Saturday, 27 March 2010

To celebrate spring...

Yesterday I baked some muffins, then I decorated them
with a pink frosting, pink like trees during spring!

Finally spring is arrived!

Today, during a blank hour at work,
I took a walk and I discovered a lot of
trees full with flowers!

(The pictures aren't very good because
I took them with my mobile phone)

Monday, 22 March 2010

I love little boys!

I often tell my son some stories from the Greek mythology (due to my high school studies
in Greek and Latin). Today I told the story of the judgment of Paris*. When I said that the golden apple was for "the most beautiful" he said "My Mum is the most beautiful!"
How sweet!
(*Check here if you want to know more about this myth)

I think the Korean baby will be another boy (apparently there are more boys for
adoption) so I'm ready for more boy's sweetness!

Sunday, 21 March 2010

Dessert mania

Another way to let flow the long days of waiting
is a my passion, cooking.
So I started a blog about my desserts
It's in Italian so if you speak my language
look at it!
Yesterday I've written about my last creation: frosted cupcakes!

About adoption

I've received a book from our Agency about their adoption's stories.
Written by the parents, it was touching and useful in the same time.

I've discovered that an old school mate is now in Vietnam
to take home her son. Good Luck and Congratulations!

New spring redecoration

Yesterday I changed the look of this blog,
now it's more fashion. I always stared at the other
journals thinking "How nice! I want it too!" unless
I found this great website and I loved all their templates.
It was difficult choosing one of them, I made a lot
of samples before the final one.
I also used the same website for my other blog,
in Italian, that speaks of my passion for desserts.

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Snow, snow, snow...

I want spring! Here is so cold, still with snow at almost the half of March.
Sure the korean baby won't feel differences from Seoul to our city.
Both cities are very cold.
But now I really begin to hate this long, cold winter...

Sunday, 7 March 2010

Fruit cakes

Maybe this korean baby will be fat with all my recipes...
But yesterday I made two fruit cakes, for two different occasions.
Here they are.
With apples

and with oranges

Thursday, 4 March 2010

More sweets

My little boy loved the meringue with whipped cream that some
friends brought us from a sweet shop.
So I decided to do them all by self trying a new recipe and they were very good!
For the first time I got a good meringue, not too much flat or hard.

Monday, 1 March 2010

Ice skating

Our Italian skater in Vancouver didn't have a good moment...

But, as future mother of a South Korean baby, I can be very happy
for the victory of Kim Yu Na (that was really amazing!)